Additional modules

Our system is used by suppliers of workwear and personal protective equipment, customers with their own company clothing and those who order their workwear. Ecmanage has a large number of standard modules that you can always make use of when purchasing Ecmanage. In addition, we offer further extensions for those customers who wish to configure their customer environments even more specifically.

Extensive complaints registration

All complaints that your customer has about clothing, delivery times, etc. are made transparent.

Projects module

It is possible to link orders to projects or cost centres.​

Stock module

Ecmanage offers the possibility to keep track of the stock by means of the stock module.

Address validation

This module ensures that all addresses in Ecmanage can be checked and supplemented. This check is done on the basis of postcode and house number.

Integrations with ERP-systems

A copy of each order is sent by e-mail. If there are a large number of orders, it becomes convenient to automate this.

OCI Integration

Corporate customers often use Procurement systems for their purchasing processes.

Single Sign On

With this module it is possible for your customers to register centrally within their own company on the network and then use Ecmanage without logging in.

Opening hours module

With this module employees can log in to Ecmanage's ordering system during specific times.

School module

Students can register for themselves. When an account is no longer used for a while, it will be deactivated.

Standard modules

Ecmanage has a large number of standard modules that you can always make use of when purchasing Ecmanage.

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Beeldscherm met programmeercode


Integrations with ERP-systems: Ecmanage has standard interfaces ready for standard ERP-systems.

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Native app

Ecmanage’s new Native app enables users to quickly and easily order clothing from anywhere.

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Request a demo

Request a demo and we’ll show you where our Ecmanage system fits your needs in the entire business process of your workwear and PPE.